Once you completed all the above steps, CONGRATULATIONS you created your own UBOX Account.
Scan the QR code or click [Register Now ] button to register .
UID is the account username for login into APP UBOX
When entering the registration page, you need to create a new login ID and required to set a password
UID only allow alphanumerics, and the first character must start with a letter (a-z) and the length required at least 6-16 characters (E.g. abc888 or a1b2c3)
Password need to be at least 6-16 digits, can either all in numbers or letters mix with numbers (E.g. 123888 or abc123)
Once you completed setting your own UID and Password.
Fill up with your mobile phone number or email address in order to receive the verification code
Once you completed all the above steps, CONGRATULATIONS you created your own UBOX Account.
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